Cheers Kate. It's taken me a long time to assimilate all the new information, (adopts yoda voice - strong the indoctrination is, in this one), but I'm much more ready to make a defense now. To all newbies to ttatt, HOLD UP, do NOT spout your mouth off, know your subject before you say anything. It's no good saying somethings not right without being able to show exactly why it isn't. I've still got a long way to go but I'm getting there.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
JoinedPosts by disposable hero of hypocrisy
Small (tiny) victories
by disposable hero of hypocrisy ini had a conversation with my wife today about child abuse as it's in the news, and i managed to slip in the fact that wt (not an individual, but the .org itself) has just been ruled against in the states to the tune of 13 million or so.
she knows i'm opposed to the procedures we have in place, and she can definitely see that it makes sense to go straight to the police, and said she would do immediately if it were our children.
we had a fairly local case where the elders positively marched the offender to the station themselves, and good for them for doing so, but she most likely thinks everyone would do that out of common sense.
Hello Everyone.
by quellycatface innot been posting as much on the forum recently, so just wanted to say hello.. what's everyone been up to?
what's the latest news, gossip and general crazy stuff going on?.
i've been busy with life and stuff.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
See? It's all in the mind!
by cliff in
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Very interesting, it's amazing how much insight we're getting into how the mind works. I suspect people like derren brown must have some natural ability to read people, cos he gave people a 'religious' experience in one of his televised shows..
Yay!!! Rebranding!!!! It's all so clear!
by DATA-DOG ini apologize for not posting all the info with hi-lights, but it's nothing you geniuses can't figure out.
i have no laptop and can't use the wife's, it's too risky.
there are two websites i checked out, just out of curiosity.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Hahaa, "does our brand tell the wrong (or outdated) story?"
Yes it does.
It is official they're selling off Kingdom Halls in Britain
by raymond frantz ini posted here a week ago some disturbing news for congregations being consolidated in britain.
my goodness that was nothing !
a letter was read today from bethel addressed to all congregations in britain that can only be described as the biggest news for years.the main points:.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
We had the letter. My ladyfriend said that the Sunday meeting would be a NIGHTMARE, sharing one Hall with four congs. She didn't have a thought about the money saving aspect though, or the lack of growth...
Millerites, Jehovahs Witnesses and Purple Triangles
by Simon ini came across this after posting another iq video to a different topic.
interesting how much the jehovahs witnesses are featured ... but it is because they are a millenial cult with failed rapture prophecies:.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Great to see that, thanks for posting. I'd love to watch this with the missus..
What would it take to get you outa there?
by sparrowdown ini have a question for any still going to meetings but no longer a believer.. is there any situation or announcement that would cause you to.
draw your line in the sand and walk away?.
if so, what would be your "last straw" moment?.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
It's ridiculous enough as it is, we have enough reasons to leave, the only thing that's holding me back is elderly parents.
Small (tiny) victories
by disposable hero of hypocrisy ini had a conversation with my wife today about child abuse as it's in the news, and i managed to slip in the fact that wt (not an individual, but the .org itself) has just been ruled against in the states to the tune of 13 million or so.
she knows i'm opposed to the procedures we have in place, and she can definitely see that it makes sense to go straight to the police, and said she would do immediately if it were our children.
we had a fairly local case where the elders positively marched the offender to the station themselves, and good for them for doing so, but she most likely thinks everyone would do that out of common sense.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Thanks folks, I changed the subject pretty quick so that I wasn't pressing the matter, I'm learnin'!
Hope she doesn't ask where I found this out from.... Actually, thinking about that, I'd just say the jw podcast with the interview. If it comes to it I could say I saw the jw logo and thought it was genuine!
Small (tiny) victories
by disposable hero of hypocrisy ini had a conversation with my wife today about child abuse as it's in the news, and i managed to slip in the fact that wt (not an individual, but the .org itself) has just been ruled against in the states to the tune of 13 million or so.
she knows i'm opposed to the procedures we have in place, and she can definitely see that it makes sense to go straight to the police, and said she would do immediately if it were our children.
we had a fairly local case where the elders positively marched the offender to the station themselves, and good for them for doing so, but she most likely thinks everyone would do that out of common sense.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
I had a conversation with my wife today about child abuse as it's in the news, and I managed to slip in the fact that WT (not an individual, but the .org itself) has just been ruled against in the states to the tune of 13 million or so. She knows I'm opposed to the procedures we have in place, and she can definitely see that it makes sense to go straight to the police, and said she would do IMMEDIATELY if it were our children. We had a fairly local case where the elders positively marched the offender to the station themselves, and good for them for doing so, but she most likely thinks everyone would do that out of common sense. I've told her about our procedures, the two witness rule, and I'm sure it's sunk in there, so hopefully if more cases like this come to the public eye it may spark some more conversations in many in the .org.
I also managed to let slip that losch was called to represent but refused, and that the lawyer handling the case said he'd never seen such an 'above the law' attitude..
"not a very good witness, that, is it?" said the big ugly one .
"no, it definitely is NOT" agreed the pretty one.
Like I say, small victories.
New JW assembly/meeting that has prerecorded message? Lasts half a day
by HillCountry insorry about the confused nature of the topic but my mom (who still goes to the kh meetings) said that there will be an "assembly" on sunday where there will be a prerecorded message or talk of some sort and that it will only be half a day and won't need to bring lunch.
anyone else have heard of these or gone to one?.
i know they are changing a lot of things.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Interesting... We've just had our one day circuit assembly but I've not heard anything about this. Unless she means the pioneer meeting?